Rapid Weight Loss
Advanced Weight Management System
Turning Dreams Into Reality



1.1This document describes the RWL Support System, its structure, organization, participants and the role    of each participant within the system.

1.2Under the terms and conditions described in this document, all clients on a RWL program are entitled    to receiving a free support for the duration of the RWL program.

The RWL Support System includes the following participants:

Clients are people who have been placed on an RWL program and are entitled to receive support.

Agents are marketing and sales people or organizations with a valid and current license to distribute RWL products.

Counsellors are experienced staff trained in providing support to RWL clients. A Counsellor is assigned to each client to monitor the progress and support the client on daily basis.

2.4RWL Consultants
RWL consultants are trained and certified experts in both nutrition and the RWL program and have been appointed by VAMOS to supervise Counsellors and support Clients.

The RWL Support System consists of the following main groups:

3.1RWL Clients Group
The purpose of this group is to create an environment where RWL clients and their sales representative are able to exchange information, and discuss issues related to the RWL diet or program, raise concerns, and resolve issues.

There are many RWL Client Groups. Each Clients Group is created by Vamos and administered by the Agent. Each RWL Clients Group includes the following members: (a) The Agent, (b) Clients that are on the Slimming diet, (c) one or more Counsellors and (d) One RWL consultant.

3.2RWL Support Group
The purpose of the RWL Support group is to manage clients that are currently taking an RWL program and require special attention. There is only one RWL Support group and this group is created and managed by VAMOS.

Members from the Client Groups that require special attention and care are pulled out from the Client groups and are added into the RWL support group. The clients remain in the RWL support group until the current issues are resolved and the client is ready to return back to his/hers Clients Group.

Members of the RWL Support Group are: (a) Clients, (b) Counsellors and (c) Consultant.

3.3RWL Maintenance Group
Clients who complete the Slimming diet and enter the Stabilizing Diet may be placed in the Maintenance Group.

There are many RWL Maintenance groups. These groups are created by Vamos and administered by the Agent.

Members of the RWL Maintenance Group are: (a) Clients, (b) Agent, (c) Counsellors and (d) RWL Consultants.

4.No Socializing Policy & Communication Rules

4.1No Socializing Policy
Vamos maintains and enforces a very strict policy of no socializing between Vamos employees and clients. Under this policy, all members of the

RWL support team are strictly forbidden to socialize with clients, or develop relationships that extend beyond RWL support duties.

4.2Zero Tolerance
Vamos enforces ZERO tolerance in respect to the No Socializing Policy. Any single event of non-compliance with the “No Socializing Policy” by a member of the RWL support team shall automatically result in immediate termination of that employee or member of the RWL team.

4.3Communication Rules
As part of this policy, all members of the RWL support team are strictly forbidden to connect with clients privately via Wechat, Telephone, Email or any other method of communication. Members of the RWL support team are only allowed to communicate with clients in writing and inside the designated RWL groups. Furthermore, to ensure complete transparency, audio and video communication are not allowed in all RWL groups.

4.4Your cooperation
In respect to clients and Agents, we will greatly appreciate if you would understand our policy and respect the members of our support team by keeping the communication with the members of the support team on a professional level.

5.Role and Responsibilities of the Client
This section describes the role and responsibilities of each client within the support system.

5.1Before entering the RWL program
It is responsibility of the Agent to inform the RWL consultant when a new clients enters the RWL Clients Group. The RWL consultant will then have a session with the client to make sure that clients are well informed of its roles and responsibilities, and the code of behavior that they need to follow when entering the RWL Support System. Following this, the RWL consultant will assign a personal Counsellor to the client who will be responsible for the daily monitoring, communication and support of the client.
The following considerations apply:

5.1.1Not refundable sales.
Each sale of an RWL Program is final and non-refundable.

5.1.2Client’s education.
Each client should carefully read and fully understand all information and instructions given in the RWL Program booklet and the RWL Support System.

5.1.3Limited Support.
The RWL Support System is not designed to educate or train clients in nutrition nor is it a discussion room. The system is designed to help clients overcome issues that they may face while on an RWL program. The early warning signs are clearly defined in this document, and the only interaction between the support team (RWL Consultants and Counsellors) takes place when a client experiences an early warning sign and notifies the Agent of such matter.

The RWL program is a state of the art system that creates excellent results when instructions are followed by clients. This requires effort and discipline. Unless clients strictly follow the RWL diet as described in the RWL Program booklet, the results may not be satisfactory, and you may even put on weight.

Cooperation between all participants in the system is absolutely essential to the success of the RWL program. Please strictly follow instructions, share information regarding your progress on daily basis, make sure that you are fully aware of your duties and responsibilities, and make sure that you immediately contact your Agent if and when you experience early warning signs.

5.1.6No Cooperation.
We are only able to support clients who fully cooperate and diligently follow instructions given by the members of the RWL Support System. Our support members reserve the right to stop support to clients who do not cooperate, do not follow their instructions or provide false information.

5.1.7Not following up.
Some clients who join the RWL program may decide not to strictly follow the diet described in the RWL Program brochure. This is fine, many such clients still achieve satisfaction and are happy with the outcome even results may not be optimal. However, under these conditions, we are simply unable to support such clients. Furthermore, complaints from such clients regarding poor results shall not be entertained and recognized.

5.2Life in the Client Group
Once you join the RWL Support System, your Agent will place you in the RWL Client group.
The following considerations apply:

5.2.1Client Responsibility
It is responsibility of the client to report its weight and urine strips (ketone level) on a daily basis in the group. Your Counsellor will detect and analyze these findings and advise you if any further action is required.

5.2.2Maintain a Happy Environment.
The general code of conduct that applies to all participants is to maintain a happy, healthy, positive and supportive environment. All participants should be working together towards a common goal of reducing weight while maintaining healthy body and happy spirit.

5.2.3No tolerance for Destructive behavior.
Destructive behavior, poor code of conduct, negative or non-supportive behavior will not be tolerated in any group. It is responsibility of the Agent to automatically remove any such clients from the Clients Group and inform the RWL consultant regarding such action.

5.2.4Follow instructions.
Unless otherwise advised by the RWL support team, clients shall strictly follow the rules and the instructions described in the RWL Program and the RWL Support System documents.

5.2.5Questions or issues
If you have any questions regarding your diet or progress, please contact your Counsellor.

5.2.6Receiving advice
The client group is a happy and happening place to share experiences and discuss all maters regarding the RWL diet. However, please do not accept any suggestions or advices regarding your RWL diet, or issues that you may have from anyone except the members of the RWL support team (RWL Counsellors and Consultants).

Kindly note that Agents and clients are not qualified or allowed to provide any instructions regarding the RWL diet.

5.2.7Early Warning Signs
Here are some of the typical early warning signs that trigger action by Counsellors:

(A) Any loss of weight below 0.3 or above 0.5 kg per day for 2 consecutive days.

(B) Ketone level is negative for 3 consecutive days regardless of body weight loss.

(C) Any discomfort by the client such as hunger, exhaustion, stomach upsets, nausea, constipation, low blood pressure or any other physical or emotional symptoms showing unhealthy dieting.

(D) Special Circumstances

5.2.8Resolution of Early Warning Signs
Counsellors look for early warning signs and conduct detailed investigation and advise the client directly in the group if further action is required.

5.2.9Special Considerations
Under some circumstances, clients may require special attention. For example, some clients may not be able to strictly follow the RWL diet instructions that are given in the RWL Program because of special circumstances that may be temporary or may last even for the entire duration of the RWL program.

In these cases, the client should discuss these circumstances with the Counsellor. At discretion of the RWL consultant, the RWL consultant may decide to create a special program for the client. Decisions are being made by RWL consultants on a case by case basis.

5.3Life in the Support Group
At some stage, the Counsellor may determine that a client requires special attention. When this happens, the Counsellor inform the RWL consultant to place the client in the RWL Support group. The client remains in the Support group under the supervision of the RWL support staff until all issues are resolved and the client is ready to return to the RWL Clients Group.

The following considerations apply to clients when joining the RWL Support Group:

5.3.1Preparation to enter the Support Group
It is responsibility of the Counsellor to inform the client that the client will be placed in the RWL Support Group and to make sure that the client is fully familiar with the rules and regulations that apply in the RWL Support group.

5.3.2No communication outside the Support Group
Once the client is placed in the Support Group, the client must stop all communication in the RWL Client Group. For as long as the client remains in the Support Group, the client is only allowed to communicate in that group.

5.3.3Time to spend in the Support Group
There is no specific time frame for a client to remain in the Support Group. In most cases, clients remain in the support group for several days only, but some may remain longer.

5.3.4Return to the Clients Group
Once the issues are resolved, the Counsellor will inform both the client and the Agent that the client is ready to return to the clients group and will also inform the RWL Consultant to remove the Client from the RWL Support group.

5.4Life in the Maintenance Group
Clients who complete the RWL Slimming diet and enter the RWL Stabilizing diet are placed in the RWL Maintenance Group.

There are many RWL Maintenance Group. These groups are created by Vamos. The following considerations apply:

The main purpose of this group is to provide advices to clients that are already in the Stabilizing diet period.

5.4.2After completion of the Slimming diet
It is responsibility of the Counsellor to inform both the RWL Consultant and the Agent that the client has completed the Slimming Diet. Following this, the Agent adds the client to the Maintenance group.

5.4.3During the Stabilizing Diet
During this period, the Counsellor continues to monitor and advise the client on all matters regarding the Stabilizing diet.

5.4.4At the end of the Stabilizing Diet
Upon completion of the Stabilizing diet, it is responsibility of the Counsellor to inform both the Agent and the RWL Consultant that the client has completed the Stabilizing diet. Following this, the RWL consultant will review the results of the program and have a final consultation with the client before removing the client from the RWL Maintenance group.

6.Role and Responsibilities of the Agent
This section describes the role and responsibilities of the Agent in RWL support system and its interaction with its participants. The following applies:

6.1Main responsibilities
Main responsibility of the Agent is to add new clients to the RWL Client and Maintenance groups, to maintain happy, positive and supporting environment and to assist Counsellors with their daily tasks should need for this arise.

6.2Before the start of the Slimming Diet
It is responsibility of the Agent to inform the RWL consultant that a new client is entering the Clients group. The RWL consultant will then brief the client regarding their role and responsibilities in the group and assign a Counsellor to personally monitor and manage the client.

6.3After the end of the Slimming Diet
It is responsibility of the Counsellor to inform both the Agent and the RWL consultant that the clients has completed the Slimming Diet and should be reallocated to the Maintenance Group. Following this, the Agents adds the client to the RWL Maintenance group.

6.4After the end of the Stabilizing Diet
It is responsibility of the Counsellor to inform the both the Agent and the RWL consultant that the client has completed the Stabilizing diet. Following this, the RWL Consultant will review the overall results and provide final consultation to the client and remove the client from the Maintenance group. Finally, the Agent should review the results of the program and follow up with the client.

7.Role and Responsibilities of the RWL Consultant
This section describes the role and responsibilities of the RWL Consultant and its interaction with all participants of the RWL Support System. The following applies:

7.1Main responsibilities
a) To consult with the client before the client starts the Slimming Diet.
b) To supervise the behavior of all participants in the RWL Support System and take action if and when
c) To supervise and assist Counsellors in their daily tasks.
d) To assist patients when special intervention is required.
e) To administer the RWL Support group.
f) To provide final consultation to the client when the client completes the Stabilizing diet.

7.2Communication between the Counsellors and RWL consultants
All communication between the Counsellors and the RWL consultant is conducted directly and outside of the Clients Group.

7.3Special attention
If an issue cannot be resolved within the Clients Group and the client requires special attention, the RWL Consultant may decide to add the client in the RWL Support Group where the client will receive special attention.

Each Counsellor is under a guidance of one RWL Consultant. The RWL consultant is a mentor to one or more Counsellor and is responsible for the progress of the Counsellor.

Each RWL Consultant holds a current and valid license. This license is valid for 1 year and must be renewed annually.

8.Role and Responsibilities of the Counsellor
This section describes the role and responsibilities of the Counsellor in the RWL Support System.
The following applies:

8.1Main responsibilities
a) To monitor the progress of its clients on daily basis for the entire duration of both the Slimming Diet (45 days) and Stabilizing Diet (28 days).

b) To consult with the RWL Consultant on all matters where assistance or consultation is required.

c) To promptly inform both the Agent and the RWL consultant when a client is being placed in and out from the Client, Support or Maintenance groups.

A Counsellor must complete the RWL training program and successfully pass the RWL examination before it is certified as Counsellor and is assigned to clients.

We are constantly trying to improve our system and services. YOUR OPINION DOES MATTER. If you have any complaints or would like to share your ideas on how to further improve our services, please write to us on the following email address:


We will be very happy to hear from you and our team will immediately follow up on each and every such communication.

10.Legal Notice
All clients, Agents and participants in the RWL program are requested to strictly comply with the rules and regulations described in this booklet.

10.1For Agents:
Agents are NOT allowed to create their own client groups outside the RWL support framework described in this manual. Non-compliance will not be tolerated and those agents will immediately lose their license and rights to sell the RWL products. In addition, VAMOS does not have any responsibility and will not support clients outside the RWL support system defined in this booklet, and will not be responsible for poor results, or any other conditions that may arise from unqualified and false guidelines or poor client management.

10.2For Clients
Please carefully read this booklet and understand the rules and the role of each participant in the system. The RWL support system was carefully designed to minimize issues and discomfort, and to maximize results and the client’s experience. Your support and cooperation is absolutely vital in achieving our common goal – healthy, and happy experience and best possible results.